November 21, 2020
Keep College Rankings in Perspective
Americans are fascinated with rankings, whether they are for football teams, consumer products, or colleges and schools. Each fall, I eagerly look forward to the release of various rankings.
November 21, 2020
Americans are fascinated with rankings, whether they are for football teams, consumer products, or colleges and schools. Each fall, I eagerly look forward to the release of various rankings.
November 14, 2020
Every two years, the governor and Minnesota Legislature appropriate funds for state government. Funds for higher education are allocated to the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota State System, and the Office of Higher Education (a cabinet agency), largely for need-based financial aid. The need-based state grants are awarded to low-and moderate-income students who choose to attend a public or private college or university.
July 16, 2020
In spring 1970, 50 years ago, I completed my bachelor’s degree at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and was ready to embark on graduate education and a career. Now, in spring 2020, I am a stay-at-home senior citizen respecting the coronavirus and reflecting on the two milestone years—1970 and 2020. Many changes have occurred in half a century, but disappointingly, despite some progress, much work remains to strengthen equality and opportunity for all citizens.
July 10, 2020
Social unrest and turmoil dominated the national and campus landscapes in 1970; however, sports remain a positive memory on the 50th anniversary of my graduation from the University of Minnesota. As sports editor of the Minnesota Daily, I was able to interact with several great coaches and outstanding teams and to follow the state’s professional teams. Today, I regularly and enthusiastically watch and read about a wide array of college and professional sports.
June 9, 2020
About noon on May 4, I opened my mailbox and was surprised to find an envelope with a check for $1,200 from the United States Treasury to my mother, care of me, first name misspelled. It was particularly surprising because my mother passed away March 31, 2018, more than two years ago. Next to her name were the letters “DECD.” At the bottom left of the check were the words “Economic Impact Payment, President Donald J. Trump.”
May 24, 2020
On March 12, 2019, authorities charged 50 people, including 33 parents, with facilitating fraud and paying a combined $25 million in bribes to get the parents’ children into elite colleges. The scandal, called Varsity Blues, drew in Hollywood stars, hedge-fund millionaires, and athletic coaches.
April 29, 2020
I am a TV-sports addict, but I don’t miss the games. I can live without them—at least for now. Sports are an integral part of society’s fabric and serve many purposes, but they are not life or death (except maybe for a Vikings’ playoff game or a Lakers-Celtics’ championship series). The coronavirus, however, is life or death.
March 24, 2020
day, when I was about ten years- old, a package arrived at our house in Duluth.
Inside was a new high-school textbook, Our American
Government Today, coauthored by my uncle, Morris (Morrie) Lewenstein, then
an assistant professor of social sciences and education at San Francisco State
March 17, 2020
have been fascinated with rhymes for many years. I will try to rhyme a couple
words or string together a couple sentences that rhyme. I enjoyed reading the
poems and stories of Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss to my children.
March 10, 2020
In 2019, I continued to be informed and entertained by several good books. I gained increased knowledge of history by reading about the courageous pioneers who settled the Northwest Territory, the brave participants in the American War of Independence, and the victims and perpetrators of violence in the bitter war in Northern Ireland.