Welcome to Phil’s Focus

Greetings and welcome to Phil’s Focus, my new blog, which will provide a forum for sharing my experiences, reflections, and views on a variety of topics including education, sports, books, current events, fascinating people, and much more.

Over my 69 years, I, like most of us, have encountered challenges, conflicts, successes, and failures through a variety of experiences. As a result, I know a little about a lot of topics, but a lot about only a few topics—yet I am continually observing and learning.

In college, I focused on journalism. I have spent 41 years working in higher education and 27 years working on parenting. I have known and admired a variety of interesting people. I wish I had kept a journal of my experiences, but this blog will enable me to remember, reflect, and comment on events and people.

If you come across Phil’s Focus, I hope you enjoy the entries which will be provided on a random, rather than regular, schedule.

Feel free to give me feedback at these addresses:



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